Sonntag, 24. August 2014

Bild am Sonntag

9 Kommentare:

  1. Gosh is that your house you are building? someone is going to be very busy lol. Have a lovely sunday

  2. Why do these old places make such great photos? I love the paint touch!

  3. like the effect of the filter, have a nice Sunday, thanks for linking at Sunday Lime

    much love...

  4. I see a project there, I'd love to do it up

    Thank you for linking up

  5. I like the effects you have done here, and the fact this is a great project too :) #silentsunday

  6. A fascinating photo - the effect really adds to the mood #silentsunday

  7. Wow and I thought my house was a building site . . . #MySundayPhoto

  8. hhh looks like a big project you are undertaking! Goodluck and thanks for your nice comment in one of my blog entry! #mysundyaphoto


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