Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

Farben des Oktober

... ist das heutige Thema bei Our Beautiful World
Diese Farben sind das Schönste, was es für mich gibt im Jahr. 



15 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Mascha,
    man trifft sich doch immer wieder, zumindest beim verlinken ;-)
    Ich liebe ihn auch sehr, den Herbst, deine Aufnahmen zeigen ihn auch von der schönsten Seite !
    ♥lichst Jutta

  2. I love those photos, great perspective. However, I think the picture of the shadows in the most stunning. So glad to have found you once again through OBW.

  3. Awesome! Thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!

  4. Mascha, Thanks for linking to my Sunday Lime today. Sharing your beautiful autumn colors

    Much love...

  5. Autumn has some fantastic colors to help ease into winter. Love the colors.

  6. Beautiful pictures! I especially love the fourth one :-)

  7. Beautiful autumn! These shots remind me why autumn is my favorite time of year.
    Please come share at

  8. I love the fall and I can almost smell the fresh, crisp air in your pictures. These are all great shots and the shadows have another story to tell. Lovely, Mascha ...

    Anddrea @ From The Sol

  9. Mascha,,, you captured some beautiful fall photos. The light in them is so pretty, I really enjoyed them....Michelle

  10. well, what can I say. Great forest, trees, light and colors. Pretty much a very nice setting :)

  11. Simply beautiful!! I'd love to walk through there... Thanks so much for sharing these at OBW!!

  12. What a beautiful autumn post Mascha, I would love to walk there! Thank you for joining OBW :)

  13. I'm with you - this is such a gorgeous time of year and your photos are wonderful.


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